WE MADE VALENTINES for WyJ's Valentine Party at School!
This took up most of my Sunday afternoon.
Mommy had some bright idea to make them herself!...with his help.
He did most of the cutting and some of the writing.
I'm pretty sure we would have been here until 2011 if he had tried to write them all!
Next year, I think I might buy the packaged ones! :) Nah...what fun would that be!?
This was mommy and daddy's last debut as room parents for WyJ's Kindergarten Class!...
A little bitter sweet...
We played lots of dress up this week!
These photos couldn't be more "Stella"!
She would wear her dress up clothes all day long, EVERYDAY if I let her!
She has a wardrobe, enough for 3 children (the same size as her)...
and she'd rather wear her "pretty dresses"! Message to self!

We had a visit to the dentist!
AFTER...a check-up Dentist appt. last week turned out to be 4 fillings and 2 crowns for WJL!
His baby boy teeth, now share space with TWO silver teeth. The other 4 cavities will get filled next week.
No worries though, he got the BEST PATIENT of the week (probably month)!
He was sooooo good!
Of course, history repeating itself: 4 years old...he fell asleep while getting his stitches!
Mommy and daddy weren't too worried! A little "funny" stuff and he was good to go!
Apparently he takes after daddy when it comes to pain.
Our little gal "A"...well, that would be a different story!
Still a handsome smile though, don't cha think?!
Mimily came for a visit, while she was out of school for her teacher conferences.
And during her visit, she made us some delicious chocolate chip cookies! The kid's favorite!
And during her visit, she made us some delicious chocolate chip cookies! The kid's favorite!

We celebrated Valentines Day!...
....going to church and then a visit from Aunt Sissy and Uncle Matt too (didn't get him photographed though)!
Somehow, Sissy talked me into making not one, but TWO cakes for her friend(s)!
Well, it would have only been one, if that DUMMY; Brutis...hadn't ate half of the 1st one!
All turned out okay, because she made the best of it...
THIS would be HER version of a "heart" cake,
she made out of what was left, for Sara!! LOL!!!!
Later...Grandma P came to visit after working all day...for dinner and bearing Valentine's for all!
It was a great day!
Dictionary: per·spec·tive:
b. A mental view or outlook.
3. a) The relationship of aspects of a subject to each other and to a whole.
b) Subjective evaluation of relative significance; a point of view.
c) The ability to perceive things in their actual interrelations or comparative importance.

what I see....CHUBBY FINGERS and lots and lots of room for improvement!
Hope you all had a wonderful, LOVING Valentines Day with your special peeps!
This is totally awesome. What a great way to capture those special moments in a day. The pictures are incredible as always. I like how you did your photo pic too. Perfecto. Only give yourself much more credit than you do. You are amazing at so many things and this is a testament to this. And remember, let go and let God. We are so not in charge. :_) Love the music too. You rock
Love the Lady Antebellum song!
Hey sis thanks for helping me on Valentine Day! I had such a nice time and it was so fun (even when Brutos ate the first cake). Funny how we always end up at your house. Pretty sure that says we love you home and all that you put into it.
LOve and hugs sissy
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