1. WAKE UP!! Decide to have a good day.
"Today is the day the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad in it" Psalms 118:24
2. DRESS UP!! The best way to dress up is to put on a smile.
A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.
"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at outward appearance; but the Lord looks at the heart." I Samuel 16:7
3. SHUT UP!! Say nice things and learn to listen.
God gave us two ears and one mouth, so He must have meant for us to do twice as much listening as talking.
"He who guards his lips guards his soul." Proverbs 13:3
4. STAND UP!! For what you believe in. Stand for something or you will fall for anything.
"Let us not be weary in doing good; for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good..." Galatians 6:9-10
5. LOOK UP!! To the Lord.
"I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
6. REACH UP!! For something higher.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, And He will direct your path." Proverbs 3:5-6
7. LIFT UP!! Your Prayers.
"Do not worry about anything; Instead PRAY ABOUT EVERYTHING." Philippians 4:6
I ran across the quote above on
THIS WEBSITE. I liked them, so I am sharing. I suppose...#6 is closest to my heart today! Although each and every one is something to think about, pray about and reflect on! The one that "stands out" to me right now is #6.

You see today, my head and heart is filled with emotion and anxiety. I'll start here: We met Johnny and Traci and their 4 children "The Tindall's" a couple years ago when Wyatt started playing T-ball. At first, our friendship was pretty much a hi, how are you...small talk, blah blah blah. We cracked a few jokes about Issac and Ava getting married and shared a season of baseball year after year. This coming year will be #4 (I think?).
Realizing we had more and more in common and of course there are some things we don't. Like her being minimalistic, organized and a good baker. But that only enlightens us to new things, and how much we can share...as great friends do! And although LIFE sometimes makes it a little hectic to do as much as I'd/we'd like...we enjoy spending time with THE Tindalls and getting to know them better. And most of all...MY kids adore every minute they get to spend with them!

I know it was God's Plan to put them in our lives and I'm so glad he did! Through the last two years, doing more and more together...besides sharing our husbands' as coaches on our boys baseball team...We have little girls whose lives revolve around Princesses and Drama and love to play! Two little guys who adore each other!

lots of birthday parties. As time goes on, I pray our friendship(s) will keep
growing! In a about a month...THEY ARE MOVING! Which I am EXTREMELY thrilled for them and so happy for them because they have worked so hard to get to this place in thier journey and deserve this greatness with all it's might. I know...they are just moving a little ways and we can still hang out but it's far enough that it makes me kind of sad. Kind of sad, because now our kids don't share the same school. Kind of sad because she's not just down the road...a couple minutes for those spur of the moment "drop by" or "can my kids come over and play, cause I need a break". Kind of sad because now they won't go to the same pool and park! Kind of sad because I was so hoping to start running with Traci this summer...okay, I'm lying...there is NO way I would really do that! She is so much ahead of me on the fitness scale, I'd be catching up to her on the next day! :) But them moving is just a part of life and with it comes change and with change comes new and better things!
My emotion and anxiety is not just because they are moving...but because (and I am ashamed to say)...I find myself looking at the photos they posted of the beautiful home they may soon call their own and I'm filled full of envy! I want to MOVE so bad! I've wanted to move for so long! I want to move to a house like they are buying! I want to be in a neighborhood filled full of children and other families for our kids to grow with! I want our kids to be able to walk out the garage door and play in the drive way with other children on the block! I want to be a part of community...other mothers...friends...and yeah, a bigger house! I want an office, more storage, a basement with a recreation room and playroom! I'm sure you can see the common denominator here? You see, I know I should be happy with what I have. I know through all our struggles we have endured these past two years, financially and emotionally...we are so fortunate to still have our home, a car, a job, our lives together! Both our kids have an abundance of love from so many people, moreover two parents that adore them more than they could ever know. They have an abundance of clothing and toys! I know we are RICH in so many blessed ways...and I don't mean monitarily (I think you knew that, but I wanted to clarify)! Moreover, I know our time will come...when HE sees fit. There is a reason for everything in HIS Plan...and if I just give it to God, If I pray...he will make what is suppose to happen, happen! And it's not our turn right now. I need to be happy with today, MY today...and what the Lord has provided for me and quit thinking about what others have, or thinking about what might or what I wish would happen tomorrow, in a week or even a month or year! I need to look around and take today for what it has to offer because I am blessed in so many ways! I know that if I remind myself of these steps 1-7, especially #6..."Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, And He will direct your path." Proverbs 3:5-6 -- My - Our Savior will take care of me/us....and it will happen!

Congratulations Traci, Johnny, Kaleb, Joshua, Issac and Lydia on your new home...my he continue to guide you on your path to even better days with your new life!!
The Lowry's are so happy to have met you, be blessed with your friendship and share your joy! Just please promise us -- you won't forget about us over here in "old" OP! :) Hugs and Love! Already miss you...and we are here to help with whatever you need, whenever you need it! P.S. See you at Church on Sunday! :)