During the next couple months, I am directing my attention to my household. I have many tasks at hand these days, getting ready for our move! WE ARE MOVING! Which means...cleaning stuff up, organizing, purdging, packing, unpacking, garage sales, and of course; the everyday normal life stuff!
I'll give another go at this in a few months when things get back to "normal".
Hugs and Kisses!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
MY BABY...BIG BOY is turning 7 today! (RE-DO)
To MY "Salamander"/MY "Mustard", MY BABY BOY...not any more mom!:
You son, to me personally are the most wonderful-amazing-beautiful creation inside and out! I could never say in words how much I adore you and who you have become in these 7 short years! And who I know you WILL become! You are smart, actually BRILLIANT would be a better choice!
You are comedian-funny!
Your a good friend.
People are drawn to you! You have a magnetic personality (like your mama)!
You are talented in so many ways!
Your can carry a tune and are a great singer!
Whatever sport you pick, you do your best!
You are stubborn & bull headed (like your dad), and SOOOOO caring and loving all at the same time.
You are and AWESOME big brother!
Your sweetness consumes you!
YOU ARE TRULY SPECIAL -- One in a TRILLION BILLION MILLION!!!! Your smile, makes me smile! You make my world a better place and I know you do the same for everyone that knows and loves you!
I LOVE YOU Wy J Lowry!!!...TO THE MOON AND THE STARS AND ALLLLLLLL THE PLANETS...and beyond and beyond and beyond and beyond and beyond and BEYOND!!!!!!! I look forward to watching you grow and grow and grow and continue to become the little-big person you are becoming! I will never forget the minute you came in to our lives! I am so very proud of you and feel so blessed that God gave you life and made me your mama!!!
Hugs and Kisses!
You son, to me personally are the most wonderful-amazing-beautiful creation inside and out! I could never say in words how much I adore you and who you have become in these 7 short years! And who I know you WILL become! You are smart, actually BRILLIANT would be a better choice!
You are comedian-funny!
Your a good friend.
People are drawn to you! You have a magnetic personality (like your mama)!
You are talented in so many ways!
Your can carry a tune and are a great singer!
Whatever sport you pick, you do your best!
You are stubborn & bull headed (like your dad), and SOOOOO caring and loving all at the same time.
You are and AWESOME big brother!
Your sweetness consumes you!
YOU ARE TRULY SPECIAL -- One in a TRILLION BILLION MILLION!!!! Your smile, makes me smile! You make my world a better place and I know you do the same for everyone that knows and loves you!
I LOVE YOU Wy J Lowry!!!...TO THE MOON AND THE STARS AND ALLLLLLLL THE PLANETS...and beyond and beyond and beyond and beyond and beyond and BEYOND!!!!!!! I look forward to watching you grow and grow and grow and continue to become the little-big person you are becoming! I will never forget the minute you came in to our lives! I am so very proud of you and feel so blessed that God gave you life and made me your mama!!!
Hugs and Kisses!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
It isn't my way...it's HIS!
Proverbs 3:5-6:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart.
Lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways, acknowledge Him
and He will direct your path."
I struggle so much with "letting go" in my life. In more ways than one.
TODAY...I am trying more than ever to surrender...and then again tomorrow, I will continue trying...
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart.
Lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways, acknowledge Him
and He will direct your path."
I struggle so much with "letting go" in my life. In more ways than one.
TODAY...I am trying more than ever to surrender...and then again tomorrow, I will continue trying...
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Temporary set back...It's called Life
K, so I haven't been good at this blogging thing.
Just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day, or I can't stay awake past 9:00 pm is probably the better explanation!
I will be back in the swing of things hopefully soon...when things settle down with the new job...sports...end of school...birthday parties...household PURGING...garage sales...and MORE LIFE CHANGING DECISIONS BEING MADE!
More to follow soon...I promise.
So for now, I love you all and I'll be in touch soon.
Just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day, or I can't stay awake past 9:00 pm is probably the better explanation!
I will be back in the swing of things hopefully soon...when things settle down with the new job...sports...end of school...birthday parties...household PURGING...garage sales...and MORE LIFE CHANGING DECISIONS BEING MADE!
More to follow soon...I promise.
So for now, I love you all and I'll be in touch soon.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
A BLOG GIVEAWAY - Vintage Pearl and Take A Bow!
I found her on Ebay...which lead to stalking her blog (for like two years now.) She started as an amazing seamstress...leading into her passion for photography!
This talented lady I am speaking about is JENN COOPER!
She is now a full time, highly motivated and very popular LOCAL Kansas City Area photographer!(mega eye candy on her blog!). Also a mom of 3...soon to be mom of 4 as they have decided to adopt and are trying to raise money to adopt a child from Ethiopia! Getting her back in to the sewing business on ETSY.
Her Etsy shop, Take a Bow creations, is FULL if gorgeous goodies that she makes and all of the proceeds go toward bringing their baby home.
Jenn has generously offered a $15 gift certificate to her Etsy shop to a lucky winner!
Take a peek at some of her amazing creations. I covet both her talents...sewing and the photography! Totally worth checking out!...NOW GO TAKE A PEEK and BUY SOMETHING!
Please go check out Jenn's shop and then go visit THE VINTAGE PEARL BLOG . To be entered, leave a comment on Erin's Blog, letting her know what your favorite thing is!
Blog it and tweet it for extra entries!
This talented lady I am speaking about is JENN COOPER!
She is now a full time, highly motivated and very popular LOCAL Kansas City Area photographer!(mega eye candy on her blog!). Also a mom of 3...soon to be mom of 4 as they have decided to adopt and are trying to raise money to adopt a child from Ethiopia! Getting her back in to the sewing business on ETSY.
Her Etsy shop, Take a Bow creations, is FULL if gorgeous goodies that she makes and all of the proceeds go toward bringing their baby home.
Jenn has generously offered a $15 gift certificate to her Etsy shop to a lucky winner!
Take a peek at some of her amazing creations. I covet both her talents...sewing and the photography! Totally worth checking out!...NOW GO TAKE A PEEK and BUY SOMETHING!
Please go check out Jenn's shop and then go visit THE VINTAGE PEARL BLOG . To be entered, leave a comment on Erin's Blog, letting her know what your favorite thing is!
Blog it and tweet it for extra entries!
Friday, April 09, 2010
New Direction = EXCITEMENT!
THAT ONE WORD = A NEW DIRECTION for The Lowry Family! And welcomed whole-heartedly!!! Thank you Jesus!!
Anyone who knows us (and actually reads this), knows that we have been in a financial struggle for several years now. From the start of when Lance went to work for the Railroad until present, things have seemed to be an uphill battle financially. ...and the "rest" naturally follows!
He has always done what he needs to do, to WORK. Everything he sets out to do...job related, he puts his all into it. He's a natural sales person and very good at what he does. He adapts to pretty much any situation.
A few years ago Lance decided to get out the Kitchen and Bath Cabinet business..and try something else that had better benefits and heavier paycheck (eventually). The thought of more money and great retirement benefits, he chose to work for the railroad. That was short visited... Working for the railroad didn't work out...they chose to let him go for "failing to pass a color blind analysis test". Lance then got back into Kitchen and Bath Cabinet Sales. Started working on his own, freelancing his service. It seemed at that time, a very good opportunity and it was rather successful for a short period. About a year, it was GREAT; but we were still playing catch up from the year before! And then...the market fell and all heck broke loose on my husband's job situation. We've been through 3 cabinet companies in less than two years! All full commission...and in a very POOR world! He - WE have finally decided to call it quits in THAT WORLD!!
He gave it his all, doing all he could to stay with it. He was doing what he knew and quite honestly what he was really good at and what he ENJOYED doing! Lance has always done what ever he had to do to provide for our family. But to do so, it meant having to juggling 3, sometimes 4 jobs at a time. All so we could barely "get by" and sometimes not even that. On top of his full time sales job, there is the officiating basketball, softball, baseball and then there is the mowing! All equals a very tired husband/daddy and quite honestly a very "missing in action" one.
SO TODAY...RIGHT NOW...All I can think about is....MY HUSBAND GOT THE JOB!!!! It all started with a comment we both made on Facebook:
"(Husband) Looking for employment, let me know if you know anything or anyone hiring"!
A few weeks went by...nothing. And then a friend of ours, emailed Lance that one of her friends posted a job opportunity and if he'd be interested. From there..Sheryl recommended Lance to the girl that did the post and that girl referred Lance to who he will now call his boss! In less than a week...through a referral from Facebook, Lance was set up to do an interview with her and the girl sales rep that he will be replacing. The interview was held here at the Marriott by the airport.
It was a rather...what I call extensive interview process. He was suppose to give a demonstration during the interview and that he forgot about until the day of...so he winged it. Gave a demonstration on "Teaching a child to hit off a Batting Tee"! Obviously, something my husband knows like the back of his hand and apparently very good at...because he "knocked their socks off" so to speak. Definitely WON them over. I'm not completely sure how many interviewed but from what they said to him...he blew them away and they were very impressed with his presentation and how high his confidence level and ability to speak in front of a group was. YEAH LANCE! I always told you, you sell yourself short! I knew you could do it! ;)
WyoTech is what Lance calls the "Ivy League of the Automotive World"! He now has a HUGE opportunity Recruiting Kids to, what we have been told is the #1 Automotive College in the US. Apparently it's one you will hear about on those car shows they have on T.V.!...or so I've been told...I don't watch those said car shows! Guess I might now. Momma has a lot to learn.
Here is what I do know...There are 5 Locations:
Blairsville, PA,
Daytona Beach, FL,
Laramie, WY,
Long Beach, CA
& Sacramento, CA
BASE is in California. I think the Home Office is in Santa Ana...or maybe it's in Tempe, AZ? Tempe is where the New Hire packet was UPS'd to us from. Funny story: The new hire packet came BEFORE he was told he had the job! They were suppose to wait until his background check was done! ha-ha. Anyway, I obviously, haven't researched all this enough to have it all figured out. But the SVP of HR is in California. He was suppose to have a phone interview with him last night but the lady (his boss) called Lance around 9 pm and said it wasn't necessary..."if she liked him...it was a go! and he got the job!"
He officially starts the 19th, ironically enough that is our 7 year Wedding Anniversary! The first week is a WEB based Training. He will get BASE + commission (eventually). He will be given a laptop computer, a phone and car allowance! The commission happens slowly as he is paid on that as the "students graduate". The course for the students is I think...19 months. His territory is Northern Missouri...I don't really know the specifics on that either. His boss is close to the Colorado border....again, not real sure the specifics. :) He will be based out of our HOME (oh joy) and that in itself will be an adjustment *hmm-umm, clearing throat*! There is always WiFi at Starbucks, Borders and Panera! HA-HA-HA-HA-HA. ANYONE THAT KNOWS LANCE...KNOWS he would NOT be caught dead in a Starbucks!...or probably Borders for that matter. Now, Panera...they have food, so probably that might work. :) We'll have to figure all this out and maybe come up with a way to make an office out of the basement...SOONER than later!
The second week, he will have a week training in California. Then a week training in Wyoming. THAT...STINKY POO's for ME...but I'll HAVE to overcome that, right?...afterall our life is going to be on a way better path! I have to admit I'm a little "jealous" since we haven't had a vacation since we first started dating, which was in CA, 12 years ago...and quite honestly...the thought of him enjoying a little "off" time without me, without us...in CALIFORNIA...sucks bad - in my head. Even though I know better and it's not really a "vacation"...but those feelings are there!
Afterall, I'll be here doing what I always do, PLUS SOME MORE! The car pooling to and from school, ball practices and baseball games! The kid raising, laundry doing, ebay listing, house picking up, washing the dishes, yard mowing, bath giving, bed making, phone answering, dog letting out and normal everyday stuff. None of that stops for me. With that said...*SMILE*...I AM EXCITED beyond words for what my husband has accomplished by getting this job and PROUD PROUD PROUD of him with all my heart and being! And I WILL OVERCOME him getting to go "away" and SUCCEED, though probably complaining about it! Cut me a little slack...K?
So Lance, honey...I probably won't say this again (maybe I will)...but through all my pouting and tantrum throwing, which I will try to keep on the inside...remember...I/WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU AND SO HAPPY WE ARE MAKING THIS CHANGE! Thank you! Thank you for being you and doing what you are good at and thanks for doing it for all of us here at the home front. We appreciate you and what you are doing. I know in that big head of yours...you are "scared", though you will never admit it to anyone. I know you are "nervous". But I also know you are proud and excited! I say to you and your mad selling skills...you will be REALLY GOOD at this and hope it's something NEW you enjoy doing! Here's to our new step and here's to succeeding at it! XO CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Never forget..."I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me!"
We have been so blessed with family and friends praying for us! So a shout out to those that have been with us through this journey and thank you for being a part of it! I still ask you kindly, to keep the prayers flowing as this is just the first step...and it's a big one! :) GOD IS AMAZING! And he really does move "mountains"! I believe whole heartedly that HE absolutely with a doubt had a hand in this change. It is needed and welcomed graciously! Of course, I have to thank FACEBOOK too...(hee-hee)!
Have an awesome weekend everyone!!! Enjoy this beautiful weather!
THAT ONE WORD = A NEW DIRECTION for The Lowry Family! And welcomed whole-heartedly!!! Thank you Jesus!!
Anyone who knows us (and actually reads this), knows that we have been in a financial struggle for several years now. From the start of when Lance went to work for the Railroad until present, things have seemed to be an uphill battle financially. ...and the "rest" naturally follows!
a> |
He has always done what he needs to do, to WORK. Everything he sets out to do...job related, he puts his all into it. He's a natural sales person and very good at what he does. He adapts to pretty much any situation.
From This n' That... |
A few years ago Lance decided to get out the Kitchen and Bath Cabinet business..and try something else that had better benefits and heavier paycheck (eventually). The thought of more money and great retirement benefits, he chose to work for the railroad. That was short visited... Working for the railroad didn't work out...they chose to let him go for "failing to pass a color blind analysis test". Lance then got back into Kitchen and Bath Cabinet Sales. Started working on his own, freelancing his service. It seemed at that time, a very good opportunity and it was rather successful for a short period. About a year, it was GREAT; but we were still playing catch up from the year before! And then...the market fell and all heck broke loose on my husband's job situation. We've been through 3 cabinet companies in less than two years! All full commission...and in a very POOR world! He - WE have finally decided to call it quits in THAT WORLD!!
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From This n' That... |
He gave it his all, doing all he could to stay with it. He was doing what he knew and quite honestly what he was really good at and what he ENJOYED doing! Lance has always done what ever he had to do to provide for our family. But to do so, it meant having to juggling 3, sometimes 4 jobs at a time. All so we could barely "get by" and sometimes not even that. On top of his full time sales job, there is the officiating basketball, softball, baseball and then there is the mowing! All equals a very tired husband/daddy and quite honestly a very "missing in action" one.
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From This n' That... |
SO TODAY...RIGHT NOW...All I can think about is....MY HUSBAND GOT THE JOB!!!! It all started with a comment we both made on Facebook:
"(Husband) Looking for employment, let me know if you know anything or anyone hiring"!
A few weeks went by...nothing. And then a friend of ours, emailed Lance that one of her friends posted a job opportunity and if he'd be interested. From there..Sheryl recommended Lance to the girl that did the post and that girl referred Lance to who he will now call his boss! In less than a week...through a referral from Facebook, Lance was set up to do an interview with her and the girl sales rep that he will be replacing. The interview was held here at the Marriott by the airport.
It was a rather...what I call extensive interview process. He was suppose to give a demonstration during the interview and that he forgot about until the day of...so he winged it. Gave a demonstration on "Teaching a child to hit off a Batting Tee"! Obviously, something my husband knows like the back of his hand and apparently very good at...because he "knocked their socks off" so to speak. Definitely WON them over. I'm not completely sure how many interviewed but from what they said to him...he blew them away and they were very impressed with his presentation and how high his confidence level and ability to speak in front of a group was. YEAH LANCE! I always told you, you sell yourself short! I knew you could do it! ;)
From This n' That... |
WyoTech is what Lance calls the "Ivy League of the Automotive World"! He now has a HUGE opportunity Recruiting Kids to, what we have been told is the #1 Automotive College in the US. Apparently it's one you will hear about on those car shows they have on T.V.!...or so I've been told...I don't watch those said car shows! Guess I might now. Momma has a lot to learn.
From This n' That... |
Here is what I do know...There are 5 Locations:
Blairsville, PA,
Daytona Beach, FL,
Laramie, WY,
Long Beach, CA
& Sacramento, CA
BASE is in California. I think the Home Office is in Santa Ana...or maybe it's in Tempe, AZ? Tempe is where the New Hire packet was UPS'd to us from. Funny story: The new hire packet came BEFORE he was told he had the job! They were suppose to wait until his background check was done! ha-ha. Anyway, I obviously, haven't researched all this enough to have it all figured out. But the SVP of HR is in California. He was suppose to have a phone interview with him last night but the lady (his boss) called Lance around 9 pm and said it wasn't necessary..."if she liked him...it was a go! and he got the job!"
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a> |
He officially starts the 19th, ironically enough that is our 7 year Wedding Anniversary! The first week is a WEB based Training. He will get BASE + commission (eventually). He will be given a laptop computer, a phone and car allowance! The commission happens slowly as he is paid on that as the "students graduate". The course for the students is I think...19 months. His territory is Northern Missouri...I don't really know the specifics on that either. His boss is close to the Colorado border....again, not real sure the specifics. :) He will be based out of our HOME (oh joy) and that in itself will be an adjustment *hmm-umm, clearing throat*! There is always WiFi at Starbucks, Borders and Panera! HA-HA-HA-HA-HA. ANYONE THAT KNOWS LANCE...KNOWS he would NOT be caught dead in a Starbucks!...or probably Borders for that matter. Now, Panera...they have food, so probably that might work. :) We'll have to figure all this out and maybe come up with a way to make an office out of the basement...SOONER than later!
From This n' That... |
The second week, he will have a week training in California. Then a week training in Wyoming. THAT...STINKY POO's for ME...but I'll HAVE to overcome that, right?...afterall our life is going to be on a way better path! I have to admit I'm a little "jealous" since we haven't had a vacation since we first started dating, which was in CA, 12 years ago...and quite honestly...the thought of him enjoying a little "off" time without me, without us...in CALIFORNIA...sucks bad - in my head. Even though I know better and it's not really a "vacation"...but those feelings are there!
From This n' That... |
Afterall, I'll be here doing what I always do, PLUS SOME MORE! The car pooling to and from school, ball practices and baseball games! The kid raising, laundry doing, ebay listing, house picking up, washing the dishes, yard mowing, bath giving, bed making, phone answering, dog letting out and normal everyday stuff. None of that stops for me. With that said...*SMILE*...I AM EXCITED beyond words for what my husband has accomplished by getting this job and PROUD PROUD PROUD of him with all my heart and being! And I WILL OVERCOME him getting to go "away" and SUCCEED, though probably complaining about it! Cut me a little slack...K?
From This n' That... |
So Lance, honey...I probably won't say this again (maybe I will)...but through all my pouting and tantrum throwing, which I will try to keep on the inside...remember...I/WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU AND SO HAPPY WE ARE MAKING THIS CHANGE! Thank you! Thank you for being you and doing what you are good at and thanks for doing it for all of us here at the home front. We appreciate you and what you are doing. I know in that big head of yours...you are "scared", though you will never admit it to anyone. I know you are "nervous". But I also know you are proud and excited! I say to you and your mad selling skills...you will be REALLY GOOD at this and hope it's something NEW you enjoy doing! Here's to our new step and here's to succeeding at it! XO CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Never forget..."I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me!"
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From This n' That... |
We have been so blessed with family and friends praying for us! So a shout out to those that have been with us through this journey and thank you for being a part of it! I still ask you kindly, to keep the prayers flowing as this is just the first step...and it's a big one! :) GOD IS AMAZING! And he really does move "mountains"! I believe whole heartedly that HE absolutely with a doubt had a hand in this change. It is needed and welcomed graciously! Of course, I have to thank FACEBOOK too...(hee-hee)!
Have an awesome weekend everyone!!! Enjoy this beautiful weather!
Monday, March 29, 2010
My "I Heart Faces" Entry for this week
Okay...So, I know I am no expert. An I know my editing skills are very much on the amateur side. BUT, the rules for this contest state clearly, ANYONE can enter, so I thought I'd give it a try.
There are so many BETTER photographers than I and I'm not even sure how I'm suppose to choose. So...I decided to pick a B&W shot that I recently did of KJ that stands out in my mind as one of my all time favorites. I think the photo is a bit "dramatic". Just look at that face, his expression, his body language. Everything about this photo "talks". How he's holding on to his pants; to keep them from getting in the stream. The location -- all boy! This was captured in a split second moment and I love everything about it.
So why not? Here we go. Wish me luck!
Be sure to stop by their blog and take a peek at some of the other entries:
Monday, March 22, 2010
Twin Photoshoot Favorites!
Alright...so I thought I'd share the HIGHLIGHTS of my FAVS:
With each other...
And then a few with mama...I'm pretty sure she'll cherish these...
and boy do they love her!
With each other...
And then a few with mama...I'm pretty sure she'll cherish these...
and boy do they love her!
TWINS! and another photoshoot for a friend! YEAH!
Well..another longtime friend, who I hadn't seen for years, Miss Jessica; contacted me and asked me to take photos of her twins who just turned FOUR (4)! I, of course jumped at the chance! How beautiful are these two!? Probably one of the easiest shoots I've done. They were so awesome and so easy to photograph, as was their mother! The little guy had a little warming up to do, but we ended up doing okay as our minutes when on. Friday, the day started out warm and perfect and then as the afternoon came around, it turned colder...like dropping 15 degrees in less than 30 minutes and of course we planned a shoot for around 4:00. Despite mother nature and her cruelness...we fought the brisk air and met at the park as planned. I love this park...it's right up the street from my house and has some great little places to take photos. I really am pleased with how a lot of them came out. I played a bit on these and I definitely have my handful of favorites, but for the slideshow; I'll go ahead and include all that we decided to keep! Hope you enjoy! Meet K.J. & Madeline "Maddie"!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
My long time friend and her boys...
Okay...so it's been weeks since I posted. Obviously, I stink at this blogging thing. :)
I'm dippin backwards a bit for this post...November 8th, 2009! This is one of my best girlfriends; Michelle. To me, she's "Missy"...I can say she's been my friend now for nearly 20 years. I can't seem to pinpoint the exact date of when we met...or maybe it's just that I'm too lazy to dig out my old crap, to figure it out...pretty sure the later of the two is probably closer to the truth. :) We met through each other's boyfriends at the time. It was a double date...and the rest was history. The boys didn't last, but our friendship did and for that I am so thankful. We were unseparatable from that point on. We've shared a lifetime of memories...and I adore her and those memories beyond words.
It however, seems life; job(s). a husband. kids. and houses spread apart by a short 45 minute drive...have taken over and we don't get to see each other near enough. I do however, get to share the important moments with her. An occasional get together, Birthdays and Photographs. :) I'm am honored that she chooses me to document her memories for her. Besides, the thousands of photos we used to shoot of each other she has also allowed me to be her "family" photographer! From the moment her and Jeff got engaged, she has allowed me to capture many of their memories. It means the world to me that she chooses me. To be the one to document these memories for her, I am honored. Watching her family grow and become who they are today is an even bigger blessing.
Last November she and the boys met me out at the lake! A little SLIDESHOW of the results!
I'm dippin backwards a bit for this post...November 8th, 2009! This is one of my best girlfriends; Michelle. To me, she's "Missy"...I can say she's been my friend now for nearly 20 years. I can't seem to pinpoint the exact date of when we met...or maybe it's just that I'm too lazy to dig out my old crap, to figure it out...pretty sure the later of the two is probably closer to the truth. :) We met through each other's boyfriends at the time. It was a double date...and the rest was history. The boys didn't last, but our friendship did and for that I am so thankful. We were unseparatable from that point on. We've shared a lifetime of memories...and I adore her and those memories beyond words.
It however, seems life; job(s). a husband. kids. and houses spread apart by a short 45 minute drive...have taken over and we don't get to see each other near enough. I do however, get to share the important moments with her. An occasional get together, Birthdays and Photographs. :) I'm am honored that she chooses me to document her memories for her. Besides, the thousands of photos we used to shoot of each other
Last November she and the boys met me out at the lake! A little SLIDESHOW of the results!
Thursday, March 04, 2010
By your Grace and Love....Cleaning up my life.
It's been a week since I last blogged......My name is Leah and I have neglected to blog for almost 2 weeks now!///Okay, I'm just goofing around!
I'd love to share a song I found perfectly fitting to how I'm personally feeling at the moment or moments while typing this, so I wanted to share! If you are on my ACTUAL blog page...Hit the STOP button to turn off the Playlist...then click here: PLAY ME
I couldn't find it on playlist or you would be listening to it without having to open up the link. :)
Some technical stuff: Those of you who receive my blog via email form...I just wanted to let you know, you can visit my ACTUAL blog by going to the bottom of the email and clicking the "This n That" link that is highlighted! It's a much more "personal" attempt at reading this and seeing the post then reading it via email form. Don't forget to COMMENT...so I know you visited. :)
Now...on to the really important stuff! Yeah...okay, so more of my babbling.
First...MY BOY!...The little athlete had his last Basketball game of the season this past Saturday! And I have to say I was super proud of him...it was his personal best. I think he made no less than 8 attempts at shooting a basket, making like 6 of them. Very aggressive playing at getting the ball and playing defense. I am so proud of how far he's come from the beginning of the season. I know he'll just keep improving.
Baseball is now blazing in rapidly! The season starts April 19th. The Express team has been formed, mostly consisting of the boys from last year, with a few new boys. BE SURE TO CLICK THE LINK and BECOME A FAN! Also, visit here for our first fundraiser! A SONIC Car Hop on March 27th! Also please share the love by stopping by and contributing to our boys. The team gets to keep all the tips. We are also looking for SPONSORS for this year...the equipment that the team needs is funded by the team. Any money donated will go to practice and game equipment as well as any team get togethers! DO YOU KNOW ANY LITTLE LEAGUE FANS???...it's a great write off! Please contact us if you do! We are looking forward to a great season. There will be lots more of these posts to follow...in the coming months.
Second: Ready, Ok...say it with me! K! S! UUUUU! Wildcats! #2 in the Big 12. #5 on the other! Not to bad this year. Was happy they beat the tiggers...not so happy they lost to those stinky birds last night. Hopefully from here, they will just keep winning now.
As for the Grace and Love...Sunday morning I dragged my big behind out of bed...determined that we were going to church, despite the overall voting of the tired individuals I share my home with! I think all was a little wore out from our fabulous visit with the Tindall Family the day before! My hubby...he's always tired, but I have to give the guy a break. His day consisted on Sat. of officiating 3 games starting at 8:00 AM, then coaching Wyatt's bb game! After the game he went back to officiating 4 more games and then met us then at the Tindall's somewhere around 8pm. So dragging him out of bed was a bit of a struggle but not too bad...I'm pretty sure he would have slept until noon had I not woke him up.
Anyhoo...by the hair of our chiny-chin-chins we started our day at Church. Then, I took the littles to a pizza luncheon thanks to Grandma Kitty, and then feeling miserable about what I just ate and the fact that I was determined that I was going to workout in some form or fashion EVERY SINGLE DAY...I took the kiddos and we went and worked out. I suppose a little kick in the behind was in order...after eating a slice of all meat pizza, a salad WITH pink dressing (dumb) and the kicker...two individually sized twix candy bars...DOES ANYONE KNOW WHY THEY MAKE THOSE!? I am pretty sure it's to torture people like me who can't eat just one. Somewhere in my mind...I tell myself, they are little, how bad can that be?...and then I eat two or three or four. Today, I stopped at two! Yeah Me! Insert *roll of the eyes and an arm in the air* Oh...did I get off track again?
On to the rest of my boring little tidbit and my appifany: "A sudden revelation of an ordinary object or scene". :)
Well...that is my working out everyday...like all things in my life that I set "GOALS" for...I know I'm bound to fail, but I'm sure going to do my best NOT to fail this one! Keeping things in perspective(reference my previous post a week ago)...November is going to be here before I know it! And afterall, I did ANNOUNCE TO the two people that read my blog that I'm going to loose 40 lbs before my next Birthday. How embarrassing will that be if I fail? Well, I suppose the embarrassment would pass but on a serious note...how disappointed will I be in myself!? I suppose the fact that doing something for myself feels REALLY REALLY good too! I have to keep pushing myself. I need to do this! For me, my health...my kids, my family and for God.
Now, that kind of sounds goofy to me...How does me loosing all my fat have anything to do with God? I chalk it up to this in as little words as I can do (which is not easy for me)...I know God loves me no matter what. But, he gave me, ME! And well, I haven't been doing a very good job of taking care of ME for the last 7-9 years! I've tried here and there. I did a really good job at making an attempt last spring/summer/fall...but then I quit. I am not an overeater...I just don't really make that great of choices when I choose what to eat, or when to eat. There is always something to do more important than to go work out. There is always something "weighing" me down...instead of taking time out to do something for myself. Which in turn...is actually do something for a lot of other people. But I think my biggest obsticle to date is I waste so much PRECIOUS time directing my attention to so many things that really don't matter. I won't bore you with all my self admitted failures. Because there are many...but mostly I spend so much time filling my day full of needless things, WISHing, WANTing, BUYing THINGS. Things that fill my life full of CLUTTER and needless attempts at impressing those that really don't need to be impressed. Which leads to an unhappy Leah. A frustrated, overwhelmed Leah. All in all it leads to not spending quality time with my kids because I spend so much time trying to "catch up" with the crazy life I created. Now, I'm not one of those people that have things piled to the ceiling that you see on T.V. That's not what I mean. I just create more for me to do. I think it's my way of getting lost in my day and what I have going on. Which in itself, only makes things harder and makes things crazy ugly creating a gross level of stress between me and my husband. All in all, getting rid of that "clutter"...I'll be spending more time on ME! So if forcing myself to focus on working out...gets me focused on something more positive...than I can't really loose. We can't really lose. I think God would approve it's a much better attempt at "cleaning up my life". From there I can get focused on the things that make a bigger impact. Using tools God has provided for me and focusing on HIM and what he wants for me to do with my life! Then focusing on the people that matter most to me and what my life revolves around so it's not so crazy. I know it's a lot of rambling...but hopefully that makes sense.
Making life better for my kids and myself...If I don't take care of me, then who is going to take care of them!? When I feel better about me, then they will have a better role model! A HAPPIER Mom! I'm not saying I have to be skinny to be a good role model, but taking care of myself so I can live a longer fuller life with them (God willing). That's enough for me to want to do better, and be a better figure. Obviously, this is always been in my mind, but I don't think it was in my heart! Our sermon Sunday at Church definitely helped kick that in gear! Plus, I'm not totally convinced that my Mr. didn't have a "call ahead" on the lesson, because it felt like he called and told the pastor what to say and to direct it right at me and my endless need or yearning to want to S-H-O-P! :)...I know, that's the way it's suppose to be. And I know HE didn't have anything to do with it, that was joke.
I'm done for today...I'll spare my two readers any more of my rambling. This is my start of trying to get better at posting and trying to document my hopeful attempt at being "little" again! If nothing else...healthy! All in all, a pretty simple self evaluating SUNDAY! I can honestly say...NO Shopping involved in my day! Wow, that actually felt good to say! Snicker-Snicker. I can't say that I did that great the rest of the week...but Sunday was a start! :)
On to better things...SHE is waiting for me...
"I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life, He gave me life that I might enjoy all things!
I thank you Lord for loving me!
I'd love to share a song I found perfectly fitting to how I'm personally feeling at the moment or moments while typing this, so I wanted to share! If you are on my ACTUAL blog page...Hit the STOP button to turn off the Playlist...then click here: PLAY ME
I couldn't find it on playlist or you would be listening to it without having to open up the link. :)
Some technical stuff: Those of you who receive my blog via email form...I just wanted to let you know, you can visit my ACTUAL blog by going to the bottom of the email and clicking the "This n That" link that is highlighted! It's a much more "personal" attempt at reading this and seeing the post then reading it via email form. Don't forget to COMMENT...so I know you visited. :)
Now...on to the really important stuff! Yeah...okay, so more of my babbling.
First...MY BOY!...The little athlete had his last Basketball game of the season this past Saturday! And I have to say I was super proud of him...it was his personal best. I think he made no less than 8 attempts at shooting a basket, making like 6 of them. Very aggressive playing at getting the ball and playing defense. I am so proud of how far he's come from the beginning of the season. I know he'll just keep improving.
Baseball is now blazing in rapidly! The season starts April 19th. The Express team has been formed, mostly consisting of the boys from last year, with a few new boys. BE SURE TO CLICK THE LINK and BECOME A FAN! Also, visit here for our first fundraiser! A SONIC Car Hop on March 27th! Also please share the love by stopping by and contributing to our boys. The team gets to keep all the tips. We are also looking for SPONSORS for this year...the equipment that the team needs is funded by the team. Any money donated will go to practice and game equipment as well as any team get togethers! DO YOU KNOW ANY LITTLE LEAGUE FANS???...it's a great write off! Please contact us if you do! We are looking forward to a great season. There will be lots more of these posts to follow...in the coming months.
Second: Ready, Ok...say it with me! K! S! UUUUU! Wildcats! #2 in the Big 12. #5 on the other! Not to bad this year. Was happy they beat the tiggers...not so happy they lost to those stinky birds last night. Hopefully from here, they will just keep winning now.
As for the Grace and Love...Sunday morning I dragged my big behind out of bed...determined that we were going to church, despite the overall voting of the tired individuals I share my home with! I think all was a little wore out from our fabulous visit with the Tindall Family the day before! My hubby...he's always tired, but I have to give the guy a break. His day consisted on Sat. of officiating 3 games starting at 8:00 AM, then coaching Wyatt's bb game! After the game he went back to officiating 4 more games and then met us then at the Tindall's somewhere around 8pm. So dragging him out of bed was a bit of a struggle but not too bad...I'm pretty sure he would have slept until noon had I not woke him up.
Anyhoo...by the hair of our chiny-chin-chins we started our day at Church. Then, I took the littles to a pizza luncheon thanks to Grandma Kitty, and then feeling miserable about what I just ate and the fact that I was determined that I was going to workout in some form or fashion EVERY SINGLE DAY...I took the kiddos and we went and worked out. I suppose a little kick in the behind was in order...after eating a slice of all meat pizza, a salad WITH pink dressing (dumb) and the kicker...two individually sized twix candy bars...DOES ANYONE KNOW WHY THEY MAKE THOSE!? I am pretty sure it's to torture people like me who can't eat just one. Somewhere in my mind...I tell myself, they are little, how bad can that be?...and then I eat two or three or four. Today, I stopped at two! Yeah Me! Insert *roll of the eyes and an arm in the air* Oh...did I get off track again?
On to the rest of my boring little tidbit and my appifany: "A sudden revelation of an ordinary object or scene". :)
Well...that is my working out everyday...like all things in my life that I set "GOALS" for...I know I'm bound to fail, but I'm sure going to do my best NOT to fail this one! Keeping things in perspective(reference my previous post a week ago)...November is going to be here before I know it! And afterall, I did ANNOUNCE TO the two people that read my blog that I'm going to loose 40 lbs before my next Birthday. How embarrassing will that be if I fail? Well, I suppose the embarrassment would pass but on a serious note...how disappointed will I be in myself!? I suppose the fact that doing something for myself feels REALLY REALLY good too! I have to keep pushing myself. I need to do this! For me, my health...my kids, my family and for God.
Now, that kind of sounds goofy to me...How does me loosing all my fat have anything to do with God? I chalk it up to this in as little words as I can do (which is not easy for me)...I know God loves me no matter what. But, he gave me, ME! And well, I haven't been doing a very good job of taking care of ME for the last 7-9 years! I've tried here and there. I did a really good job at making an attempt last spring/summer/fall...but then I quit. I am not an overeater...I just don't really make that great of choices when I choose what to eat, or when to eat. There is always something to do more important than to go work out. There is always something "weighing" me down...instead of taking time out to do something for myself. Which in turn...is actually do something for a lot of other people. But I think my biggest obsticle to date is I waste so much PRECIOUS time directing my attention to so many things that really don't matter. I won't bore you with all my self admitted failures. Because there are many...but mostly I spend so much time filling my day full of needless things, WISHing, WANTing, BUYing THINGS. Things that fill my life full of CLUTTER and needless attempts at impressing those that really don't need to be impressed. Which leads to an unhappy Leah. A frustrated, overwhelmed Leah. All in all it leads to not spending quality time with my kids because I spend so much time trying to "catch up" with the crazy life I created. Now, I'm not one of those people that have things piled to the ceiling that you see on T.V. That's not what I mean. I just create more for me to do. I think it's my way of getting lost in my day and what I have going on. Which in itself, only makes things harder and makes things crazy ugly creating a gross level of stress between me and my husband. All in all, getting rid of that "clutter"...I'll be spending more time on ME! So if forcing myself to focus on working out...gets me focused on something more positive...than I can't really loose. We can't really lose. I think God would approve it's a much better attempt at "cleaning up my life". From there I can get focused on the things that make a bigger impact. Using tools God has provided for me and focusing on HIM and what he wants for me to do with my life! Then focusing on the people that matter most to me and what my life revolves around so it's not so crazy. I know it's a lot of rambling...but hopefully that makes sense.
Making life better for my kids and myself...If I don't take care of me, then who is going to take care of them!? When I feel better about me, then they will have a better role model! A HAPPIER Mom! I'm not saying I have to be skinny to be a good role model, but taking care of myself so I can live a longer fuller life with them (God willing). That's enough for me to want to do better, and be a better figure. Obviously, this is always been in my mind, but I don't think it was in my heart! Our sermon Sunday at Church definitely helped kick that in gear! Plus, I'm not totally convinced that my Mr. didn't have a "call ahead" on the lesson, because it felt like he called and told the pastor what to say and to direct it right at me and my endless need or yearning to want to S-H-O-P! :)...I know, that's the way it's suppose to be. And I know HE didn't have anything to do with it, that was joke.
I'm done for today...I'll spare my two readers any more of my rambling. This is my start of trying to get better at posting and trying to document my hopeful attempt at being "little" again! If nothing else...healthy! All in all, a pretty simple self evaluating SUNDAY! I can honestly say...NO Shopping involved in my day! Wow, that actually felt good to say! Snicker-Snicker. I can't say that I did that great the rest of the week...but Sunday was a start! :)
On to better things...SHE is waiting for me...
"I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life, He gave me life that I might enjoy all things!
I thank you Lord for loving me!
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